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5 Steps to buying land
1. Make an offer
With your home research done and finances sorted you’ll be ready to write up an offer or contract of sale.
2. Pay a deposit
Immediately after the exchange of contract, you will be required to pay a deposit.
3. Exchange the contract
When both you and the seller are happy with conditions and the purchase price, both parties sign the contract of sale.
4. Get sorted in pre-settlement
A settlement agent or solicitor can help with this and handle the paperwork involved in purchasing your new home. They will also work with you and/or your lender or mortgage broker to ensure any loan arrangements are documented.
5. Time to settle
It’s official! Once titles are issued and your contract conditions are met, settlement takes place. At settlement, the balance of the purchase price is handed over to the seller and your representative will ensure documents are registered so the title reflects the change of land ownership.

We know the buying process can be a bit overwhelming at times, so our team have made it simple with these easy to understand property definitions.

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