Fixtures, fittings and furnishings are often the last thing you choose but the first thing people notice in your new home.
By the time you’re ready to choose these home finishes, your budget could be stretched, you might feel overwhelmed by design decisions, or just looking for some helpful advice, so we’ve summarised the advice of legendary home designer Kevin McCloud to help you choose wisely.
In his popular manifesto, 43 Principles of Home, McCloud recommends you invest in the most functional home fixtures, fittings and furnishings – those you’ll use every day and which need to withstand high wear and tear.
The Grand Designs host’s list of ‘things’ worth investing in include:

When it comes to finishing your home with ‘things’, McCloud’s key Principle of Home # 29 summarises the approach you should take: “Choose the architecture, garden decoration and furnishing around who you are, what you dream of and what has made you…A home is not a shop.”
Please note: This article has not been prepared, nor endorsed, by Kevin McCloud. It is a third-party summary and review of the content in his book, 43 Principles of Home: Enjoying Life in the 21st Century. The article is provided as information only.